Rhododendron concinnum var. benthamianum

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Billeder af Rhododendron concinnum var. benthamianum
R. concinnum QLG 0151 (var. benthamianum?). Foto: Douglas Justice, UBC Botanical Garden, Vancouver
R. concinnum QLG 0151 (var. benthamianum?). Foto: Douglas Justice, UBC Botanical Garden, Vancouver
R. concinnum QLG 0151 (var. benthamianum ?). Foto: Douglas Justice
R. concinnum QLG 0151 (var. benthamianum ?). Foto: Douglas Justice

R. concinnum var. benthamianum. Er en helt anderledes R.concinnum. Flere træk er helt forskellige og burde få et selvstændigt artsnavn som den lavendel blomsterfarve, de to former for skæl (lyse og mørke) og bladets form er smalt. Vildtvoksende i Sichuan og fundet af Wilson 1907?
Hans Eiberg

Kew; R. concinnum var. benthamianum

RHS Gardening; Rhododendron concinnum Benthamianum Group
Synonyms: Rhododendronconcinnum var. benthamianum

Botanical details

Family: Ericaceae
Native to the UK: No
Genus: Rhododendron
Genus description:
Rhododendron can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs or trees, with simple leaves, sometimes with a dense colourful indumentum of hairs on the lower side, and funnel-shaped, bell-shaped or tubular flowers that may be solitary or in short racemes.
Name status: Accepted

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