Rhododendron cubittii

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Billeder af Rhododendron cubittii
R. cubittii i STRYBING ARBORETUM. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii i STRYBING ARBORETUM. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii i STRYBING ARBORETUM 18. III. 2009. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii i STRYBING ARBORETUM 18. III. 2009. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii i MOM'S GARDEN 8. III. 2008 Edinburgh. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii i MOM’S GARDEN 8. III. 2008 Edinburgh. Foto: Mike McCullough
This plant, which I acquired from the late Bill Fee, who had a nursery in Fort Bragg, has been growing in a fifteen gallon container for over twenty years. Have also used R. cubittii seed that I have acquired at the Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco, and the University of California Botanical Garden in Berkeley.
Mike McCullough
R. cubittii blomst i udspring. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii blomst i udspring. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, blomsterstilk. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, blomsterstilk. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, bladunderside. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, bladunderside. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, ovarie. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, ovarie. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii hos Mark Joel, New Zealand. Foto: Mark Joel
R. cubittii hos Mark Joel, New Zealand. Foto: Mark Joel
R. cubittii Ashcombe, stamme. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii Ashcombe, stamme. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, stamme. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. cubittii Ashcombe i Bremens Rhododendronpark, stamme. Foto: Hans Eiberg

R. cubittii / veitchianum (Maddenii). Ikke hårdfør i Danmark (-7 °C). Bladene er ovale-elliptiske ca. 10 cm lange. Blomsten er hvid og ofte med gul/rød ganeplet, duftende og åbent tragtformet. Vildtvoksende i Burma, Thailand, Laos og Vietnam.
Hans Eiberg

Ikke i Flora of China
RBGE Herbarium; R. veitchianum

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