R. grandia GR 0818

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R. Grandia sp. nova GR#0818 RSBG#171sd2008, Foto: Hans Eiberg

R. species nova GR#0818 (Grandia). Rhododendron species nova GR#0818 This big-leaf species was collected in an area of the eastern Himalaya that had never been explored by the early plant hunters. This may well be a new species, it certainly does not match anything else that I have seen. This is a completely different taxon from 171sd2008 which we have had in the catalog for the past year or so. These are closer to sinogrande but definitely different. I have planted a few of these out in the garden and the leaves are quite large and impressive. This is a new collection from a different location in the eastern Himalaya.
Steve Hootman, RSBG

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