Rhododendron kamatae
Billeder af Rhododendron kamatae
R. x kamatae ((Menziesia) . A deciduous shrub rarely found on the edge of forests, grasslands, or wetlands in mountains. It is a natural cross between “ladling loquat and koyo lacquer” and has an intermediate form. You can find it in a mixed area. A deciduous shrub that is about 1 to 2 meters high. The leaves are single leaves that alternate with each other, but often 4-6 pieces gather at the end of the branch. The surface of the leaf has rough hair similar to Koyo Azalea. A short total inflorescence appears at the end of the branch, and several flowers form a bundle. The flower is a thin bell-like shape resembling an azalea, and it turns downward.
Modtaget af Ole Jonny Larsen
Menziesia er indlemmet i Rhododendron familien da DNA analyser viser at når R. camtschaticum er en Rhododendron så må Menziesia også være det.
Hans Eiberg 1997