Rhododendron onii
Billeder af Rhododendron onii
R. onii. Nyintroduceret art i 2007 (Parishia) (RSBG#103sd2007). Kompaktvoksende. Blade buede (convekse). Tidligt blomstrende fra ung alder med røde blomster med lysere gane. Er måske hårdfør. Vildtvoksende i N. Vietnam (ikke i Kina).
Hans Eiberg
RBGE Herbarium; R. onii
R. onii DJHMV#114 A newly named species with distinctive convex leaves from northern Vietnam. Bright red flowers with a paler throat in mid-spring. Seems to be quite hardy and flowers from a very young age. There is still some debate as to which Subsection it belongs within. Forms a rounded shrub and seems quite easy in light shade. (0?\R1\3) RSBG#103sd2007