Rhododendron weldianum

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Billeder af Rhododendron weldianum
R. weldianum Mongbi Mt. NW Sichuan fra JARS. Foto: K. Cox
R. weldianum Mongbi Mt. NW Sichuan fra JARS. Foto: K. Cox
R. weldianum hos Erik Kristensen. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. weldianum hos Erik Kristensen. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 kapsel, hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 kapsel, hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 stamme, hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune
R. weldianum AC.3993 stamme, hos Claus Staune. Foto: Claus Staune

R. rufum f. weldianum (Taliensia). Kraftig opret plante. Tomentet på bladoverfladen er ru og åbent. Tæt beige indument på undersiden på gamle planter. Bladformen minder om R. bureavii og R. danbaense, ovalt til næsten rundt med hjerteform. Bladstilk 1-2 cm. Vildtvoksende i NV-Sichuan på Mt. Mongbi.
Hans Eiberg

RBGE Herbarium; R. weldianum

Flora of China, rufum

R. rufum Batalin, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada. 11: 490. 1891.

R. weldianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson.

Shrubs or small trees, 1.5–8 m tall; shoots densely whitish to tawny floccose when young, soon glabrescent. Petiole 15–20 mm, initially with floccose hairs, later glabrescent; leaf blade leathery, elliptic to oblong-ovate, 6.5–11 × 3–5 cm; base subrounded or broadly cuneate; apex obtuse or acute, mucronate; abaxial surface with indumentum 2-layered, upper layer thick, soft, rust-yellow to rufous, woolly-tomentose, hairs branched, lower layer compacted, gray-white; adaxial surface slightly shiny, glabrous. Inflorescence racemose-umbellate, 6–11-flowered; rachis ca. 5 mm, densely rusty brown-pubescent. Pedicel 1–1.5 cm, densely gray floccose; calyx lobes 5, ca. 1 mm, broadly triangular, floccose outside; corolla funnel-campanulate, white to pale pink, with crimson spots on upper lobes, 2–3 cm, puberulent at base inside; lobes 5, slightly unequal; stamens 10, 1.2–2 cm, filaments white-puberulent at base; ovary ca. 4 mm, densely gray-brown woolly-tomentose, sometimes with few glandular hairs at apex; style ca. 2 cm, glabrous or with few hairs at base. Capsule oblong-cylindric, slightly curved, 20–25 × 5–7 mm. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Jul–Sep.

Forests, mountain slopes; 2300–3800 m. C and SW Gansu, E and S Qinghai, SW Shaanxi (Taibai Shan), N and W Sichuan.

Rhododendron rufum var. glandulosum G. H. Wang (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 15: 428. 1995) was described from S Gansu (Kangle). It is said to differ from the typical variety in having a densely stipitate-glandular ovary. However, no material fitting this description was seen, and it is therefore uncertain if this entity actually belongs within Rrufum.

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