Rhododendron roseatum

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Billeder af Rhododendron roseatum
R. roseatum RSF 87/058. Foto: H. Helm
R. roseatum RSF 87/058. Foto: H. Helm
R. roseatum bark. Foto: Mike McCullough
R. roseatum bark. Foto: Mike McCullough

R. roseatum (Maddenia). Busk op til 4 m. Blomstrer i april-maj. Vokser i V-Yunnan, N. Burma ved 1800-2750 m og er ikke hårdfør i Danmark.
Hans Eiberg

RBGE Herbarium; R. roseatum
RBGE Herbarium; lasiopodum

Flora of China

R. roseatum Hutchinson, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 12: 57. 1919.

R. lasiopodum Hutchinson.

Shrubs, sometimes small trees, 1.2–3(–4) m tall; young shoots pale brown, sparsely scaly. Petiole 5–12 mm, sparsely scaly; leaf blade ovate, 6–10 × 2–4.5 cm; base obtuse, rounded or broadly cuneate; apex triangular, acute, or acuminate, apiculate; abaxial surface pink green, gray-white, scales less than 1 × their own diameter apart to nearly contiguous, rarely 1 × their own diameter apart, unequal, brown or brownish red; adaxial surface densely brown scaly when young; midrib flat raised abaxially, slightly concave adaxially; lateral veins 6–8-paired, thin, inconspicuous on both sides. Inflorescence terminal, umbellate, 2–4-flowered. Flowers fragrant. Pedicel 1–2 cm, densely scaly; base gray-white-pubescent; calyx undeveloped, lobes 5, densely scaly; corolla broadly funnelform, 5-lobed to the middle, pinkish in bud, white tinged with pale red at anthesis, 5.5–7 cm, tube gray-white-pubescent, lobes rounded, densely scaly; stamens 10, unequal, half as long as corolla lobes; filaments pubescent below; ovary 6-locular, densely scaly; style as long as corolla, basal part scaly. Capsule cylindric-ovoid, ca. 15 mm, densely brown-scaly. Fl. May–Jul.

Evergreen broad-leaved forests, forests on hilltops, open slopes, rocks; 2000–3000 m. Yunnan [NE Myanmar].

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