Rhododendron Species in Arunachal Pradesh

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Rhododendronarter fundet i Arunachal Pradesh

Ca. 86 + 12 arter og underarter excl. varianter og synonome (nn). Mangler foto af 5 arter.

R. anthopogon, 3500-4500 m
R. arizelum, 2500-4400 m
R. arboreum var. cinnamomeum, 2600-3800 m
R. arboreum ssp. delavayi var. delavayi
R. argipeplum, 2700-3600 m
R. arunachalense
R. asperulum *, 1400-2200 m
R. assamicum *
R. barbatum, 2400-3500 m
R. beanianum, 3000-3700 m
R. bhutanense, 3500-4000 m
R. blumei *
R. boothii, 2000-2500 m
R. bulu, 2900-3900 m
R. calostrotum ssp. riparium, 3400-4600 m
R. camelliiflorum, 2000 – 3500 m
R. campanulatum, 3000 – 4500 m
R. campylocarpum, 3000-4000 m
R. campylogynum, 3500-4500 m
R. cephalanthum ssp. cephalanthum, 3800-4400 m
R. cephalanthum var. crebreflorum
R. cerasium, 2800-3800 m
R. chamaethomsonii, 3300-4500 m
R. charitopes, 3000-4300 m
R. ciliatum, 3000-3500 m
R. cinnabarinum f. yellow, 2900-4200 m
R. concinnoides, 8000-11000 ft
R. coxianum, 1700 m
R. dalhousieae var. dalhousieae
R. dalhousiae var. rhabdotum, 2000-2500 m
R. delavayi var. peramoenum, 1700-3200 m
R. dendricola, 1300-1900 m
R. eclecteum ssp. brachyandum, 3300-4000 ? m
R. edgeworthii, 2000-4000 m
R. esetulosum, 3000-4200 m
R. exasperatum, 3000-3600 m
R. falconeri ssp. eximium, 2700-3400 m
R. falconeri ssp. falconeri, 2500-3400 m
R. faucium, 2600-3400 m
R. flinkii, rosa form, 3000 m
R. formosum var. inaequale, 1450-2230 m
R. fulgens, 3700-4500 m
R. glaucophyllum ssp. tubiforme, 3000-3600 m
R. grande, 1600-2900 m
R. griffitianum, 2100-2800 m
R. hodgsonii, 3500-4000 m
R. hookeri, 2200-3000 m
R. hylaeum, 2800-3600 m
R. x imberbe (R. barbatum x R. arboreum)
R. johnstoneanum, 1350-3350 m
R. kasoense, 2100-2800 m
R. kendrickii, 2600-2700 m
R. kesangiae, 2900-3500 m
R. kesangiae var. album, 2900-3500 m
R. kesangiae var. saktengianum, 2900-3500 m
R. keysii, 2400-4000 m
R. lanatum, 3100-4400 m
R. lanigerum, 2700-3100 m
R. leptocarpum, 2400-3400 m
R. lepidotum, 2900-3500 m
R. ludlowii, 3900-4200 m
R. maddenii ssp. maddenii, 2600 m
R. magnificum, 1800-2400 m
R. megacalyx, 3300-3000 m
R. megeratum, 2500-4200 m
R. mekongense var. rubrolineatum, 3300-4300 m
(R. micromeres)
R. leptocarpum, 2400-3400 m
R. neriiflorum ssp. phaedropum / appropinquans, 2500-3600 m
R. niveum, 3000 – 3500m
R. nuttallii, 2400 m
R. papillatum, 2400-3000 m
R. pemakoense, 2900-3600 m
R. pendulum, 2200-3700 m
R. piercei, 3900-4200 m
R. pocophorum var. pocophorum, 3300-4500 m
R. populare, 3500-4000 m
R. praestans, 3100-4200 m
R. pruniflorum, 3000-4000 m
R. pudorosum, 3300-3800 m
R. pumilum, 3300-4300 m
R. qiaojiaense, RHS 2012 10101
R. santapauii * (Viraey)
R. setosum, 3500-4500 m
R. siderum, 3450-4000 m
R. sinogrande, 2100-3600 m
R. stewartianum, 3000-4000 m
R. subansiriense, 2550-2750 m
R. succothii, 3000-4000 m
R. taggianum, 1800-2300 m
R. tanastylum var. tanastylum *, 1700-3300 m
R. tephropeplum, 2400-4600 m
R. thomsonii var. thomsonii, 3000-4000 m
R. thomsoni var. lopsanguineum, 2600-4300 m
R. titapuriense, 8000ft
R. triflorum ssp. triflorum, 2500-3700 m
R. trilectorum, 3600-4300 m
R. tsariense var. trimoense, 3400-4300 m
R. tsariense var. tsariense, 3200-4500 m
R. venator aff.
R. virgatum ssp. virgatum, 1700-3000 m
R. wallichii, 4000 – 4500 m
R. walongens, 500-2200 m
R. wattii, 9000 ft
R. wightii, 3900-4300 m
R. xanthostephanum, 1500-3500 m
R. x candelabrum
R. x sikkimense

* = fotos ønskes

Paul A., Khan M.L., Das A.K. and Dutta P.K. 2010.
Diversity and distribution of rhododendrons in Arunachal Himalaya, India, Journal of American Rhododendron Society 64 (4): 200-205.

Paul A., Khan M.L., Arunachalam A. and Arunachalam K. 2005.
Biodiversity and conservation of rhododendrons in Arunachal Pradesh in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, Current Science 89 (4): 623-634.

J.F.Petton 2009, Mago trek
R. anthopogon
R. baileyi
R. bhutanense (ved Bhutan grænsen)
R. lepidotum
R. nivale
R. lindleyi
R. sheriffii
R. siderum aff. (røde hår, V blade, gr bark, gule blomster, bronze indument)
R. wallichii

Alan Clark (AC) og (KR) Keith Rusforth 2010-2012
Nye arter:
R. glischrum ssp. rude
R. maddenii ssp. crassum
R. vaccinioides
R. wallichii
R. wardii?

Nye fund fra Tim Atkinson 2014
R. anthopogon ssp. anthopogon
R. campanulatum (or R. wallichii?)
R. catacosmum
R. crinigerum (or R. glischrum? HE)
R. elliottii
R. fulvum
R. manipurense
R. macabeanum


Rhododendrons in Indian Himalayan Region, Diversity and Conservation

RBGE herbarium
RBGE herbarium, India
JARS rhododendron
The genus Rhododendron: Its classification and synonymy Errata. RBGE, 1996

Diversity and Distribution of Rhododendrons in
Arunachal Himalaya, India

Rhododendrons in Arunachal Pradesh
Sanjeeb Bharali * and Mohamed Latif Khan

Rhododendron Species in the Indian Eastern Himalayas:
New Approaches to Understanding Rare Plant Species
Distributions JARS

More information on Arunachal Discoveries as several people have asked for more details.

The following species are completely new to Science and therefore are unnamed.

1. an evergreen azalea. None are reported from this area. This was a great surprise.
2. A species in subsection Falconera looks like R. protisum and sino falconeri with good indumentum
3. A species related to R. aperantum. This was another really curious plant. Nothing quite like it.
4. A new species related to R. sanguineum or R. parmulatum.
5. A Maddenia or Tephropepla species. No idea what this could be.

2 species introduced for the very first time
Plus R. kasoense this is Autumn flowering with 4-5 yellow flowers. I can send scans if the one attatched to the e mail was not let through your system.

R. boothii both introduced for probably the first time. This is a bright yellow species suitable for west coast and mild gardens. It was in cultivation but seems to have been lost: we have not seen any correctly named plants for 30 years at least.

Other interesting discoveries
R. exasperatum only found once or twice before. Red flowers and wonderful purple new growth.

R. ludlowii introduced by Ludlow & Sherriff in the 1930’s and not seen since. A tiny, tricky alpine with yellow flowers, used very successfully as a parent at Glendoick by Peter Cox to raise the very well known bird hybrids: ‘Chikor’, Curlew’, Wren’ etc.

R. tsariense found at last, We failed to locate it in Tsari, Tibet and I doubt it occurs there at all.

R. sherriffii and R. thomsonii ssp. lopsangianum

P. vaginata ssp. normaniana
P. elizabethae

Neither are in cultivation.

4 species of Sorbus, probably 2 are new.

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