Rhododendron Species in Guizhou, China

Rhododendronarter fundet i Guizhou, Kina

Over 87 arter og underarter.

R. agastum var. agastum, 1900-2500 m (E)
R. agastum var. pennivenium *
R. annae ssp. annae, 1200-1800m (C,W)
R. arboreum var. arboreum, 1500-3600 m (W?)
R. argyrophyllum ssp. argyrophyllum, 1600-2300 m (NW)
R. argyrophyllum ssp. nankingense, 1800-2300 m (E, Leishan)
R. auriculatum, 600-2000 m (N)
R. bachii * 600-1600 m
R. bailiense, (N), Mapress
R. bainaense
R. bracypodum
R. brevicaudatum, 1400-2000m (E)
R. brevinerve, 800-1400 (SE)
R. calophytum var. calophytum, 1400-4000m (C,N)
R. cavaleriei *, 1000-2000 m
R. chrysocalyx var. chrysocalyx *, 500-1000 m
R. ciliicalyx ssp. lyi, 1000-3100m
R. cochlearifolium *, 1744m
R. coeleuneuron
R. concinnum, 2300-3000m
R. decorum ssp. decorum,1000-3300 m (W)
R. delavayi var. adenostylum
R. delavayi var. delavayi, 1200-3200 m (W)
R. delavayi var. peramoenum, 1700-3200 m (W)
R. denudatum var. glabriovarium *
R. discolor, 900-1900 m
R. emarginatum, 1200-2000m
R. excellens
R. feddei * (C,SE)
R. floribundum, 2000-3300 m (NW)
R. fortunei, 600-2000 m
R. fuchsiifolium * (S)
R. glanduliferum, 2300-3000m (NW)
R. guizhouense *, 1700-2400 m (E)
R. guizhongense *, 1200-1700 m (E) 2x?
R. haofui, 800-1900 m
R. huangpingense *
R. huanum,1200-3000 m (NE)
R. irroratum ssp. irroratum, 1800-3500 m (NW)
R. irroratum ssp. pogonostylum,1700-3000 m (W)
R. jiulongshanense
R. kaliense *
R. kwangsiense var. kwangsiense *, 1000-1800 m (SE)
R. kwangtungense *, 800-1600 m
R. latoucheae,100-2700 m
R. leigongshanense
R. leishanicum, 1800-1900 m (E)
R. levinei, 1300-1500m
R. liboense *, 600-700 m (SE)
R. lilacinum *
R. liliiflorum
R. longesquamatum
R. longipes var. longipes, 2000-2500 m (E)
R. lutescens, 1700-2000 m
R. maculatum *
R. maculiferum ssp. maculiferum, 1600-3400m (E)
R. magniflorum, 1700-1800 m (SW)
R. mariae *, 500-13000 m
R. mariesii, 600-1500 m
R. microphyton var. microphyton, (1300)-2000-(3200) m
R. molle ssp. molle, 0-2500 m
R. moupinense, 1900-4000 m
R. oblancifolium *, 500-1300 (NE)
R. octandrum *, ca. 1400 m (NE)
R. oligocarpum, 1800-2500 m (NE)
R. ovatum, 300-1600 m
R. praevernum, 1500-2500 m
R. pudiense
R. racemosum, 1500-3500 m (NW)
R. rivulare *
R. rufohirtum, 900-2300 m (SE)
R. siderophyllum, & seguinii 1800-3000 m
R. simiarum var. simiarum, 500-1800 m
R. simsii var. simsii, 500-1200 (2600) m
R. spiciferum var spiciferum *, 800-1200m (W)
R. stamineum var. stamineum, 500-1500 m
R. subroseum *
R. sutchuenense, 1600-2300 m
R. tianliense *, (?SE) ca. 1200m
R. valentinianum var. valentinianum, 2400m
R. vaniotii *
R. westlandii *, 400-1500 (W)
R. williamsianum, 1800-2800 m (W)
R. yunnanense, 2200-3600m (W)

*= foto ønskes

Authors: Xun Chen, Bixia Xie, Huamei Wu, Lihua Huang

Owing to the mild temperatures and rich rainfall, there are 86 species, three subspecies, and one variety of rhododendrons
in Guizhou. The rich resource of rhododendron accounts for 10.6% and 16.7% of total species in the world and China, respectively. Among them, eight species and one variety are endemic. They are R. longesquamatum, R. decorum, R. agastum var. pennivenium, R. fuchsiifolium, R. kaliense, R. latoucheae, R. magniflorum, R. oblancifolium, and R. octandrum. Geographically, 15 species are common, which are distributed in majority areas near Guizhou, while the rest 37 species could only be distributed to a single county or site. There are 11 rhododendron communities in Guizhou. These communities are distributed throughout Guizhou area.

One new species, R. subroseum Xiang Chen & Jiayong Huang, and one new variety, R. denudatum var. glabriovarium Xiang Chen & Xun Chen (Ericaceae), from the Guizhou Province, China are described and illustrated. R. subroseum is most similar to R. morii from which it differs mainly by having glandular branchlets, a subcordate leaf blade base and a mucronate leaf blade apex, a less floriferous inflorescence, a campanulate to broadly-campanulate corolla, and a glandular-hairy style. R. denudatum var. glabriovarium differs from R. denudatum var. denudatum mainly by having a glabrous ovary. Both of the new taxa are quite rare and therefore their protection is highly desired.

A new species of rhododendron from Guizhou Province, China. The new species is named R. bailiense, meaning ‘from Baili’. It is a small evergreen tree, reaching 3-4 m in height, with ovate leaves. It produces pale violet flowers, four cm in diameter, in clusters of 2-8 in March and April.
R. bailiense, inflorescence and leaf. Ma et al. (2014). The species has only been found at two locations, on limestone karst outcrops at altitudes of 1800 m and 2100 m. As such it is tentatively considered to be Endangered under the terms of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, however it is possible that larger, undiscovered populations of the plant also exist.

Two new species, R. huangpingense Xiang Chen & Jia Y. Huang and R. lilacinum Xiang Chen & X. Chen (Ericaceae), from Guizhou Province, China, are described and illustrated. R. huangpingense is close to the morphologically similar species R. oreodoxa Franch. var. adenostylosum Fang
& W. K. Hu and the sympatric species R. decorum Franch., from which it differs by having short yellowish brown hairs on the leaves, the rachis 15-18 mm long, a rose-colored corolla with deep rose flecks, and the stigma ca. 3.5 mm wide. R. lilacinum differs from the morphologically similar and
sympatric species R. simsii Planch, by having smaller leaves, a shorter pedicel, a pale purple corolla, a smaller calyx, and shorter stamens. Both of the new species appear to be quite rare and therefore their conservation is highly desired.

Abstract: One new species, R. bainaense Xiang Chen & Cheng H. Yang from Guizhou Province, China is described and illustrated. R. bainaense is most similar to R. rubiginosum from which it differs mainly by having oblong to ovate leaf blades, subequal, amber and concave scales on leaf blades abaxial surfaces, a 2.5 cm long, pale pinkish white and spotless corolla, and nearly glabrous or partly puberulent filaments, and pale brown anthers. The new species is Critically endangered (CR), based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, since there is only one population that includes 3 mature individuals found so far during the field work, therefore, careful protection is highly desired.

A New Species and a New Variety of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) in Guizhou CHEN Xiang1, 2, 3, HUANG Jia-yong4, XIE Hua3,CHEN Xun5 (1.South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A new species, R. maculatum Xiang Chen Jiayong Huang, and a new variety, R. delavayi Franchet var. puberulum Xiang Chen Xun Chen (Ericaceae), from Guizhou Province,China are described and illustrated. R. maculatum is close to R. verruciferum from which it differs by having glandular branchlets and petioles,a bigger leaf blade with glabrous abaxial surface,a longer sparsely glandular rachis, are not warty but desenly glandular pedicel, a bigger widely campanulate white corolla with a purplish red blotch, and a longer filament, ovary,and style. R.delavayi var. puberulum differs from R.delavayi var.delavayi by the former’s oblanceolate leaf blades with somewhat thin and compact indumentum on abaxial surface, puberulent corolla tube, filaments, and style. Both of the new species and new variety are Critically endangered (CR), based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, therefore, careful protection is highly desired.

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