R. basilicum

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R. basilicum. Foto: Sue Gardiner
R. basilicum. Foto: Ole Jonny Larsen
R. basilicum KR#7609 i RSBG. Se den vingede bladstilk. Foto: Mo Wadea
R. basilicum KR#7609 nyskud i RSBG. Foto: Mo Wadea
R. basilicum i Wakehorst. Foto: Bent Ernebjerg
R. basilicum from JARS 2006, 60(2), med tydelig vinget bladstilk. (http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JARS/v60n2/v60n2-bayes.htm). Foto: Bill McMillan
R. basilicum (er måske en R. gratum) in Botanical Garden, Copenhagen. Foto: Gert Mossin
R. basilicum (er måske en R. gratum) in Botanical Garden, Copenhagen. Foto: Gert Mossin
R. basilicum. Foto: Mogens Olsen
R. basilicum ARS 2012 vækstknop. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. basilicum KR#7609 i RSBG (uden vinget bladstilk). Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. basilicum KR#7609 i RSBG (uden vinget bladstilk). Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. basilicum i Botanisk Have i København, stamme. Foto: Hans Eiberg

 R. basilicum seeds, CBH. Foto: Hans Eiberg
 R. basilicum/gratum seeds?, Yunnan. Foto: Hans Eiberg
 R. basilicum/gratum? seeds, Yunnan. Foto: Hans Eiberg
 R. gratum ARS03 #742. Foto: Hans Eiberg

R. basilicum (Falconera). Busk eller træ op til 3-10 m. Blade store 17-25 cm. lange. Bladstilken er vinget (ikke rund) og bladets grund er kileformet. Indumentet ikke kornet som ved R. rothschidii. Blomsterne sidder 15-25 sammen i en tæt klase. Vildtvoksende i NØ-Burma, V- Yunnan ved 3000-3700 m, Hpimaw Pass og Ziben Shan mountain. Ikke hårdfør i Danmark.
Hans Eiberg

Flora of China
RBGE Herbarium; R. basilicum
 R. basilicum; drawing by J. Hedegaard

Flora of China:
Shrubs or small trees, 3–10 m tall; branchlets stout, usually 8–15 mm in diam., grayish or whitish tomentose, glabrescent. Petiole flattened, winged, 15–35 mm, glabrescent; leaf blade leathery, broadly obovate to oblanceolate, broadest above middle, 10–32 × 5–17 cm; base cuneate; apex rounded, apiculate; abaxial surface with 2-layered indumentum, upper thick, grayish or rufous, hairs broadly cup-shaped, hardly fimbriate, lower layer compacted and thin; adaxial surface green, glabrous, midrib prominent abaxially, plane or impressed adaxially; lateral veins 12–15-paired, prominent abaxially. Inflorescence 15–25-flowered, rachis stout, 35–55 mm, sparsely tomentose. Pedicel 2.5–5 cm, brownish tomentose; calyx teeth 7 or 8, small, tomentose; corolla obliquely campanulate, pale yellow, with crimson basal blotch, 3.5–4.5 cm, lobes 8, suborbicular, ca. 1 × 1.2 cm, emarginate. Stamens 16, 1.5–2.5 cm; filaments glabrous; ovary ovoid, 8–10 mm, brown tomentose; style 2.5–3.5 cm, glabrous, stigma a swollen disk. Capsule cylindric, 25–40 × 8–10 mm, densely rufous-tomentose. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Oct–Nov. Mixed or Abies forests; 2400–3700 m. W Yunnan [NE Myanmar].

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