R. bureavii aff.

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R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Foto: Jens Nielsen
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Foto: Jens Nielsen
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Foto: Jens Nielsen
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Foto: Jens Nielsen
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Foto: Jens Nielsen
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Topknop (november) og bladunderside. Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? Stamme. Foto: Hans Eiberg

 R. bureavii aff. ARS09 #537 seeds. Foto: Hans Eiberg

R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? JN ARS537/2009 (Taliensia). A rather strange species similar to bureaviodes with quite large leaves and petioles held vertical on current year’s growth. Indumentum on petioles, shoots and upper surface of the leaves, giving the plants a slight orange glow, which doesn’t show well in the pics due to rain. The under side of leaves have only very patchy and scattered indumentum, becoming nearly glabrous with time: but very glandular with tiny red glands. Plentiful and common in this location and elevation, it would be tempting to use the name pubicostatum but Mr. Nielsen doesn’t feel that would be correct according to the description. More typical bureavii may occur higher on this mountain, but he can’t say for sure and it is an area where only very little collection have been done. Horticulturally quite different from bureavii and without a name yet. S Sichuan 3800m.
Jens Nielsen

 R. bureavii aff. sp. nov?, photo: Steve Hootman
R. bureavii aff. sp. nov? JN 115sd2009, Foto: Steve Hootman

Flora of China

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