Rhododendron burjaticum

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Billeder af Rhododendron burjaticum
R. burjaticum Eastern Sayan Mountains, Buyatia. Foto: Konstantin Cherezov
R. burjaticum Eastern Sayan Mountains, Buyatia. Foto: Konstantin Cherezov
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand
R. burjaticum? Foto: Hanne Wichmand

Fundet i Tibet på ny vej mellem Liijang og Lhasa – ligner en R. burjaticum, der vokser i Øst Sibirien ved Sayan / Sajal bjergene som ligger op til Buryatia (in Eastern Sayan, Khamar-Daban range) i Irkutsk regionen nord for Tibet og er kompakt voksende. R. bulu har en flad tragt så den er udelukket. R. burjaticum er den mest sandsynlige. Denne plante har blade på ca. 2 cm. Er måske en hybrid mellem R. adamsii og R. parvifolium, idet planten vokser mellem disse to arter.
Hans Eiberg, Hanne Wichmand

 R. burjaticum frø. Foto: Kurt Hansen

Edinburgh Rhododendron Monographs
R. burjaticum Malyschev Much branched spreading shrub to 15 cm. Leaves 8-12 x 3-6 mm, elliptic to ovate, apex obtuse, mucronate, base broadly cuneate, undersurface bicolorous, densely covered with pale golden scales mixed with darker, amber scales. Inflorescence 3-8-flowered, pedicel lepidote and minutely pubescent, (l-)2-3-5 mm. Calyx lobes rounded to triangular, c. 0-5 mm, lepidote, margin ciliate. Corolla rosy violet, narrowly funnel-shaped, 12-15 mm, tube 5-7 mm, pubescent in the throat. Stamens (5-)7(-10), shorter than corolla, filaments pubescent towards the base. Ovary lepidote, style 3-4 mm, shorter than the stamens. Capsule ovoid, lepidote, c. 6 mm. Habitat: Moist places in Larch forests. Distribution: USSR (eastern Sajan mountains to the west of the southern end of Lake Baikal) Nomenclature Type: USSR, Montes Sajanenses orientales, alpes Kito-jenses, fl. Saghan-Sajir, 20 vi 1958, Malyschev (holo. LE—n.v.) Flags Occurs in Countries: RU Subgenus: Rhododendron Habit: Non-Tree Cullen, J. (1980) A Revision of Rhododendron 1: Subgenus Rhododendron sections Rhododendron & Pogonanthum. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 39(1):106

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