Rhododendron choniastrum Subgen., CGG#14135

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Billeder af Rhododendron choniastrum Subgen., CGG#14135
R. choniastrum CGG #14135 RSBG Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. choniastrum CGG #14135 RSBG Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. choniastrum CGG #14135 RSBG Foto: Hans Eiberg
R. choniastrum CGG #14135 RSBG Foto: Hans Eiberg

Rhododendron Section Choniastrum CGG#14135 273sd2010 – Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (rhodygarden.org)

Rhododendron Section Choniastrum CGG#14135 273sd2010

Rhododendron Section Choniastrum CGG#14135. A large evergreen shrub with smooth leaves and showy white to lavender or rose flowers in spring. These are grown from seed collected in the wild from a fruiting plant that I was unable to key to species (a difficult group to identify out of flower, most of the numerous species are very similar in appearance vegetatively). Many of these have remarkable hardiness considering the low latitude and altitude in which they most commonly occur. Easily worth a place in the mild climate garden and worth a try in the Pacific NW. This species with large, dark, glossy green leaves. (+10?\R1\6) RSBG#273sd2010.

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