Rhododendron chunii

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Billeder af Rhododendron chunii
R. chunii ssp. vietnamense fundet på Phan Xi Pang Mountain i N Vietnam. Foto: Richard Baines, Logan Garden
R. chunii ssp. vietnamense fundet på Phan Xi Pang Mountain i N Vietnam. Foto: Richard Baines, Logan Garden
R. chunii ssp. vietnamense fundet på Phan Xi Pang Mountain i N Vietnam. Foto: Richard Baines, Logan Garden
R. chunii ssp. vietnamense fundet på Phan Xi Pang Mountain i N Vietnam. Foto: Richard Baines, Logan Garden

R. chunii (Tsutsusi). Meget sjælden art (rødlistet) Vokser i N Guangdong og N. Vietnam.
Hans Eiberg

Rhododendron chunii ssp. chunii differs from the new ssp. vietnamense in the young stems that bear appressed bristles that apparently lack the stipitate glands of subsp. vietnamense, and in the outer surface of the corolla tube that is glandular.
Artikel af Richard Baines

Flora of China

Shrubs, 1–2(–6) m tall; young shoots densely coarsely brown-strigose. Leaves all similar. Petiole 2–3 mm, densely strigose; leaf blade leathery, ovate, oblong-ovate or elliptic-ovate, 1–1.7 × 0.4–0.8 cm; base broadly cuneate; margin revolute and finely crenate; apex acuminate; both surfaces sparsely coarsely strigose. Inflorescence 3- or 4-flowered. Pedicel 0.5–0.7 cm, coarsely dark brown-strigose; calyx lobes ovate, small, ca. 1.5 mm, strigose, especially on the margin; corolla funnelform, pale purple-red, the upper lobe with dark purple flecks, 1–1.3 cm; tube to 5 mm, outer surface sparsely coarsely brown-strigose, inner surface puberulent; lobes spreading, ovate-oblong, outer surface coarsely strigose at base; apex obtuse or subrounded; stamens 5, subequal, 0.8–1.4 cm, exserted, filaments flat below, hairy; ovary ovoid, ca. 3 mm, densely coarsely shiny brown-strigose; style 1.5–1.8 cm, longer than stamens, glandular above, coarsely brown appressed setose below. Capsule ovate, coarsely strigose. Fl. Apr, fr. May–Jun. Open valley forests; 1100–1800 m. N Guangdong.

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