Rhododendron citriniflorum var. citrinifolium
Billeder af Rhododendron citriniflorum var. citrinifolium
R. citriniflorum var. citriniflorum (Neriiflora). Opret bredtvoksende kompakt busk. Blomsterne på denne variant er gule. Bladundersiderne er beklædt med et to-laget indument der kan være hvidt, beige eller brunt. Kirtelhåret blomsterstilk. Lille calyx 1-2 -(5)mm . Vildtvoksende ved grænsen mellem Burma og Kina samt SØ-Tibet ved 4000-4600 m. Rock 108 (gule blomster).
Hans Eiberg
R. citriniflorum. Samlemappen: login
RBGE Herbarium; R. citriniflorum
Flora of China
Rhododendron citriniflorum I. B. Balfour & Forrest, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 11: 35. 1919.
Dwarf shrubs, 0.6–1.2 m tall; bark gray-brown, smooth, usually falling off in flakes; young shoots glabrous; bud scales persistent. Petiole flat, usually winged, 5–10 mm, white-tomentose when young; leaf blade leathery, oblong-obovate, 2.5–6 × 1.5–2 cm; base cuneate; margin revolute; apex obtuse, rounded, apiculate; abaxial surface densely gray-brown tomentose, hairs dendroid; adaxial surface green, glabrous; midrib grooved adaxially; lateral veins 8-paired, impressed. Inflorescence umbellate, 2–6-flowered; rachis ca. 3 mm, tomentose and glandular. Pedicel 1–2.6 cm, eglandular to densely glandular-setose; calyx 2–12 mm, glandular or woolly, glandular-ciliate; corolla tubular-campanulate, yellow or orange to carmine, ca. 3.5 cm, glabrous; lobes 5, ovate, ca. 1.3 × 1.8 cm, emarginate; stamens 10, 2–2.7 cm, filaments pubescent at base; ovary with truncate apex, ca. 5.6 mm; woolly-tomentose and glandular-setose; style ca. 2.4 cm, glabrous; stigma capitate. Capsule 8–12 mm. Fl. Jun–Jul.
Alpine meadows, cliffs; 3600–5400 m. SE Xizang, NW Yunnan.
Two varieties occur in China; intermediate between them is subsp. rubens Cowan (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 20: 76. 1940; R. horaeum I. B. Balfour & Forrest var. rubens (Cowan) Davidian), described from Xizang. Rhododendron chaetomallum I. B. Balfour & Forrest var. xanthanthum Tagg & Forrest (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 15: 308. 1927; R. xanthanthum (Tagg & Forrest) D. F. Chamberlain), described from Xizang, is almost certainly a hybrid of R. citriniflorum.