Rhododenderon liliiflorum aff.
R. liliiflorum aff. (Maddenia) ikke helt hårdfør i Danmark.
Hans Eiberg
Blomsterstilk 10-15 mm; bladundersiden med skæl af forskellig størrelse. Calyx 8-10 (-14) mm; bladoverfladen uden skæl. Støvdragere 10.
This may be the first flowering of a newish collection NN0958 R. liliiflorum aff. from 1850 m in SW Guizhou. The stigma, stamens, receptacle look like liliiflorum, but the corolla shape and colour, the leaf, growth habit look like excellens. It could be between the 2 species and part of a larger swarm that make up excellens / liliiflorum / sino-nuttallii.
Henry Lima