Rhododendron magniflorum
Billeder af Rhododendron magniflorum

R. magniflorum (Fortunea) A new to cultivation introduction NN 0959 of what could one of the most interesting and rarest fortunea. Judging from the type description, from 1988, this could be one of the largest flowered Rhododendron with flowers 10 cm long in truss of 12-14 flowers, all floral parts covered in glandular hairs, which probably make it allied to R. glanduliferum, which are know from about 400 km away. There seem to be very little suitable habitat left for this species and until the area are better know, please consider this species rare and make the most of the seed, as it could well become threatened it’s natural habitat by cutting or fire. Will probably be a late flowering plant, hopefully with good hardiness and heat tolerance.
Jens Nielsen
Ifølge Flora of China skal bladpladen være 7-9 cm bred og bladstilken 4-4,5 cm lang på R. magniflorum ellers er det R. glanduliferum som har mindre mål. Der er fra 5 til 7 lober på kronen. De planter der er opdyrket fra frø er bladene smalle som R. glanduliferum. Det er måske kun kronens størrelse der afviger fra R. glanduliferum og de andre tætlignende arter. Men blomsterknoppen er speciel for denne art.
Hans Eiberg
● R. magniflorum ARS10-692 frø. Foto: Hans Eiberg
Flora of China
RBGE Herbarium; R. magniflorum (no data )
Blomst Parc Botanique de Haute Bretagne