Vedvarende toment

Vedvarende (persistent) toment på 1. års blad. Most persistent (+++++)
This trait is inherited as an intermediate trait among species in Hypenanthum. Some hybrids lack the ability to express this trait.
Tomentum, semi persistent(+)
R. mallotum
R. proteoides R151 (thick)
R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. kyomarunense
R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum some clones
R. yakushimanum Sid’s blue (hvidt toment)
R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense f. micranthum (+) (kan være mørkebrunt)
Falconera / Grandia. Flere arter (+)
Many more
Thin tomentum, but very persistent (+++ ->+++++)
R. pachysanthum +++++
R. recourvoides
R. longesquamatum +++++
R. bureavoides ++ -> +++
R. aganniphum ‘Rusty’
Thin tomentum is recessive; persistent is more intermediate and dominante x with R. yakushimanum give thin and strong tomentum.