ARS Seed Exchange List

Members located in the EU have until Feb 7 to participate in the group order.

Pollen-to-Seed Program
To encourage participation in the seed exchange program, and to make available quality pollen, seed contributors are entitled to request up to a $50.00 in credit for pollen purchases made each year from the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden at or a catalog may be requested by mail at RSBG, PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063.

To participate, we ask you to submit your order and identify yourself as an ARS seed contributor. The RSBG will mail pollen directly to you and then bill the Seed Exchange.

  • h.p. – Hand pollinated seeds
  • c.p. – Controlled pollination. (Stigma covered after pollination)
  • o.p. – Open pollination
  • c.w. – Collected in the wild. comp. – Companion plants
  • Lots marked with strikethrough are “sold out”.

Photo’s of Species, Danish Chapter
Species and Hybrids, ARS
Short species description from RSBG; A-C, D-J, K-P, Q-Z


Ordering of seeds from ARS will this year (for all of Europe) go through ARS. It is important that you write the order in numerical order to make the work easier.

Order directy on ARS order form.

Danish Chapter Seed list

Seed Exchange List 2024

Betty Ann Addison, Minnesota USA
24-001      h.p.   Belle Fontaine X Ruby Parasol1
24-002      h.p.   carolinianum album Mehlquest, selfed
24-003      h.p.   (Ken Janeck x fulvum) X smirnowii
24-004      h.p.   Rice Creek X Ruby Parasol1
24-005      h.p.   Rice Creek Pink X yedoense var. poukhanense   Evergreen azalea
24-006      h.p.   Ruby Robin X yedoense var. poukhanense   Evergreen azalea

    1 Ruby Parasol is brachycarpum X Besse Howells. Hardy to -35ºF. Sun tolerant.

Peter Norris, Massachusetts USA
24-007      o.p.   Hal Bruce
24-008      h.p.   Main Street X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
24-009      h.p.   Purple Passion X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
24-010      h.p.   (yuefengense x Sally Fuller) X Firestorm
24-011      com.   Arisaema heterophyllum   (Dancing Cobra Lily – must be stratified)
24-012      com.   Asclepias tuberosa ‘Hello Yellow’
24-013      com.   Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii   (moist, shade/sun)
24-014      com.   Franklinia alatamaha   (small flowering tree)
24-015      com.   Illicium X ‘Woodland Ruby’
24-016      com.   Lobelia cardinalis   (wild collected, Chilmark, MA)
24-017      com.   Stewartia serrata (small flowering tree)

Kristian Theqvist, Finland
24-018      c.p.   brachycarpum f. nemotoanum1 X Loisto2   Goal: Orange double flowers.
24-019      c.p.   brachycarpum f. nemotoanum1 X Silberpfeil3   Goal: Double flowers, large leaves.
24-020     c.p.   (degronianum ssp. heptamerum Enamoto x tsariense)4 X bureavioides5  Withdrawn
24-021      o.p.   Kerttu6 X bureavioides5   Goal: Yellow flowers. indumented leaves.
24-022      c.p.   Kristian’s Sunshine7 X bureavioides5   Goal: Yellow flowers, indumented leaves.
24-023      c.p.   Kristian’s Sunshine7 X (degronianum ssp. heptamerum Enamoto x tsariense)4     Goal: Yellow flowers, indumented leaves.
24-024      c.p.   Kristian’s Sunshine7 X Kultu   Goal: Yellow flowers.
24-025      c.p.   Loisto2 X Silberpfeil3   Goal: Orange flowers, large leaves.
24-026      c.p.   Merja8 X Loisto2   Goal: Orange flowers, low growth.
24-027      o.p.   pilosum9
24-028      c.w.   tomentosum10

   1 brachycarpum f. nemotoanum: a semi double flower form of brachycarpum from Japan
   2 Loisto: a hardy hybrid from K. Theqvist, Elsie Maria X Böhmen, orange flowers
   3 Silberpfeil: smirnowii X rex, very large leaves and huge growth
   4 degronianum ssp. heptamerum Enamoto X tsariense: a cross from Joe Harvey (ARHS 052/06), small leaves with good red brown indumentum, large white flowers
   5 bureavioides: Warren Berg collection, SB 9022.3, Sichuan, Mugecuo, 12500 ft, very hardy
   6 Kerttu: a hardy hybrid from K. Theqvist, Helsinki University X Golden Coach, yellow flowers
   7 Kristian’s Sunshine: a hardy hybrid from K. Theqvist, Kullervo X Goldprinz, yellow flowers
   8 Merja: a hardy hybrid from K. Theqvist, Helsinki University X Böhmen, orange flowers
   9 pilosum: former Menziesia pilosa, now deciduous azalea, comes true as there is no matching nearby pollen source
   10 tomentosum: former Ledum palustre, collected wild, Korppoo, Finland

Photos and information on hybrids and species used in the crosses:

Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts, USA
24-029      h.p.   Barbara Madeiros X lacteum RSF 75-242   Note: hybridized by Mike Medeiros.

Joe Bruso, Massachusetts USA
24-030      h.p.   (Harold Amateis x maximum) X pachysanthum
24-031      com.  cardiocrinum gigantheum

John Weagle, Nova Scotia Canada
24-032      o.p.   canadense
24-033      o.p.   canadense, white
24-034      o.p.   vaseyi, pink
24-035      h.p.   vaseyi, white find

Mike McCullough, California USA
24-036      c.w.   columbianum   (commonly known as western Labrador tea)
24-037      c.w.   occidentale GG2   Note: Pale pink flowers.
24-038      c.w.   occidentale Flynn Creek 1903   Note: 2 ½” pink & white candy stripe with orange flare.
24-039      c.w.   occidentale Mt Tam 1312   Note: White with yellow flare and pink tube.
24-040      c.w.   occidentale Mt Tam 2607   Note: White & pink candy stripe with yellow flare.
24-041      c.w.   occidentale Mt Tam 3110   Note: White with orange flare, some pink on tube.
24-042      c.w.   occidentale Hollister Hills State Vehicular Rec Area.

Jaakko Saarinen, Arboretum Mustila, Finland
24-043      c.w.   carolinianum   near Sunburst Fall (NC)1
24-044      c.p.   canescens (floriferous white, c.w. Jacobs Mtn. Alabama) X atlanticum ‘Seaboard’   Goal: low, floriferous white azalea.
24-045      c.p.   Junistolz X Ted’s Cream Cracker   Goal: late-flowering plant with large flowers.
24-046      c.w.   minus2
24-047      c.p.   Sun Glory X Ted’s Cream Cracker   Goal: large flowers with showy color combinations.

   1 Found near Sunburst Falls (NC), 1210–1330 m elevation. mostly white-flowered; species status of R. carolinianum revived by Albach & Bauer 2022
   2 Found near Schoolhouse Falls (NC), 1120–1200 m high elevation, but not carolinianum

Jack Looye, Nova Scotia, Canada
24-048      h.p.   Calsap X Arthur Bedford
24-049      h.p.   Calsap X (Rhein’s Picotee x Madame Cochet)
24-050      h.p.   [(carolinianum x Blue Diamond) x Starry Night)] X Boulderwood Blue    Note: this carolinianum is a tetraploid.
24-051      h.p.   Casanova X Fashion Plate
24-052      h.p.   [(Hachman’s Charmant X Summer Glow) x Butterscotch1] X Wyandanch Pink
24-053      h.p.   (Ingrid Melquest x Rio) X (yellow seedling x Dead Ringer)
24-054      h.p.   Lavender Princess X Calsap
24-055      h.p.   (maximum x yakushimanum) X Trinity
24-056      o.p.   Red Max   Note: nothing much else in bloom at the time, so most likely selfed.
24-057      h.p.   Roslyn X Arthur Bedford
24-058      h.p.   Roslyn X Calsap
24-059      h.p.   Souvenir Du Président Carnot X Fireball   deciduous azalea
24-060      h.p.   [Sundust x (Casanova x Sweet Lulu)] X [(Golden Horseshoe X Yellow Stone) X Blazing Grace]
24-061      h.p.   [Sundust x (Casanova x Sweet Lulu)] X (Sundust X Flautando #1-22)
24-062      h.p.   Whitney’s Late Red X {[Chinaboy x (Charles Dickens x Mars)] x {[(Nova Zembla x (America x Mars)]#2 x (sibling #3)}}
24-063      h.p.   degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Koichiro Wada X Black Widow
24-064      h.p.   degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Koichiro Wada X brachycarpum var. roseum
24-065      h.p.   degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Koichiro Wada X {{[China Boy x (Charles Dickens x Mars)] x [Nova Zembla x (America x Mars)] x Harold Amateis} #1 x {sibling #2}}

   1 Butterscotch = Mary Belle X Casanova

Hannu Saarilahti, Finland
24-066      c.p.   brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum Surikogi1 X smirnowii2
24-067      c.p.   pseudochrysanthum ‘Ben Nelson’3 X pseudochrysanthum RSF 1975/189
24-068      c.p.   degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Koichiro Wada X bureavioides4
24-069      c.p.   Hellikki5 X Stern von Japan6
24-070      o.p.   camtschaticum7   Note: mixed pollination of red and lilac plants.
24-071      o.p.   canadense7   Note: seed from several plants.

   1 R. brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum Surikogi originates from seed collected in the Japanese mountain Surikogi. See ARS SeedEx 2008-351.
   2 R. smirnowii pollen was a gift from Kristian Theqvist, Finland
   3 ‘Ben Nelson’ is an easily cultivatable form of pseudochrysanthum and thought to be a hybrid.
   4 bureavioides pollen was from an exceptionally hardy individual, a gift from Kristian Theqvist, Finland.
   5 Hellikki is a hardy Finnish smirnowii hybrid.
   6 Stern von Japan is degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Koichiro Wada x (Fabia Group x smirnowii), a compact hardy hydrid with spectacular hose-in-hose flowers.
   7 Does not hybridize with other plants.

Tomasz Cyba, Poland
24-072      h.p.   Belona X Allegretto   Goal: low-growing hybrid with red flowers.
24-073      h.p.   Belona X arboreum, red   Goal: hardy arboreum hybrid with dense foliage and red flowers.
24-074      h.p.   Schneekrone X Jersey Mammoth   Goal: big-leaf rhododendron for zone 6A.
24-075      h.p.   Schneekrone X macabeanum   Goal: big-leaf rhododendron for zone 6B.

Erhard Moser, Germany
24-076      c.p.   aberconwayi ex ZH-G 049
24-077      o.p.   brachycarpum   Note: compact trusses.
24-078      o.p.   campanulatum ex Nepal
24-079      o.p.   decorum ex KR7714
24-080      o.p.   makinoi
24-081      o.p.   platypodum
24-082      c.p.   degronianum ssp. yakushimanum Edelweiss

Rick Edwards, Missouri USA
24-083      h.p.   Annabella X Lollipop
24-084      c.w.   arborescens   Note: Late blooming.
24-085      o.p.   colemanii
24-086      o.p.   Elizabeth Lane
24-087      o.p.   flammeum ‘Hazel Hamilton’
24-088      o.p.   Mt. Saint Helens
24-089      c.w.   prinophyllum   Note: Collected at Buffalo River, Ponca, AR.
24-090      o.p.   sanctum
24-091      o.p.   Satan
24-092      o.p.   viscosum var. Montanum

Mike Oliver, Oregon USA
24-093      o.p.   occidentale SM30   Note: Flowers almost all yellow. Most yellow occidentale flower known.
24-094      o.p.   occidentale   Note: Much yellow in flower
24-095      o.p.   occidentale, unknown parent X (occidentale SM189 x occidentale SM232)
24-096      o.p.   occidentale

Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Washington USA
24-097      h.p.   campanulatum ssp. campanulatum 2008/467 x 1604d98
24-098      h.p.   cinnabarinum ssp. Xanthocodon
24-099      h.p.   crinigerum 05/013 x 05/023
24-100      h.p.   decorum
24-101      h.p.   elliottii 05/209 x 88/081
24-102      h.p.   exasperatum
24-103      h.p.   faithiae
24-104      h.p.   fulvum 02/442 x 91/088
24-105      h.p.   glanduliferum
24-106      h.p.   glischrum
24-107      h.p.   hodgsonii
24-108      h.p.   huanum
24-109      h.p.   kiangsiense
24-110      h.p.   liliiflorum
24-111      h.p.   macabeanum CH
24-112      h.p.   mallotum 97/125 x 66/557
24-113      h.p.   molle ssp. Japonicum
24-114      h.p.   nipponicum
24-115      h.p.   nipponicum RSF
24-116      h.p.   polytrichum
24-117      h.p.   quinquefolium
24-118      h.p.   schlippenbachii (best pink)
24-119      h.p.   semibarbatum
24-120      h.p.   thomsonii
24-121      h.p.   tephropeplum
24-122      h.p.   wardii 74/246
24-123      h.p.   wiltonii

Lloyd Gilmore, British Columbia Canada
24-124      h.p.   [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Stark)] X Four Winds
24-125      h.p.   [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Stark)] X self
24-126      h.p.   (Jeda x sanguineum ssp. haemaleum)1 X Whid Bee
24-127      h.p.   (Jeda x sanguineum ssp. haemaleum)1 X Cherries and Merlot
24-128      h.p.   Mario Pagliarini X (decorum 732 Cox 2006 x Dexter’s Spice)
24-129      com. erythronium revolutum, pink   Note: From Loess Creek, west of Spooke, BC.

   1 Temporary name for this cross is “Big Pot”.

Ed Reekie, Ontario Canada
24-130      c.w.   ferrugineum   Note: Collected in Canton Graubunden, Switzerland.
24-131      c.w.   hirsutum   Note: Collected at 2,253 m elevation, Switzerland.
24-132      c.w.   hirsutum   Note: Collected at 2,182 m elevation, Switzerland.
24-133      h.p.   (maximum x Wojnar’s Purple) X faithiae
24-134      h.p.   Ribbon Candy X Leonard Frisbie
24-135      h.p.   Ribbon Candy X molle ssp. Japonicum

Bob Zimmerman, Washington USA
24-136      c.w.   macrophyllum   Note: Mt. Walker, Jefferson County WA.
24-137      h.p.   moupinense, pink and red forms sibbed
24-138      h.p.   occidentale ‘Humboldt Picotee’ X Leonard Frisbie
24-139      h.p.   seinghkuense ex CCHH
24-140      h.p.   sinofalconeri ex AC #

Jeff Thompson, Massachusetts, USA
24-141      o.p.   Dorothy Swift

Richard Flavell, Connecticut USA
24-142      h.p.   Babylon X Perfume   Goal: fragrance.
24-143      h.p.   (Golden Horseshoe x macabeanum) X lacteum
24-144      h.p.   (Golden Horseshoe x macabeanum) X sinofalconeri SEH   Note: Pollen from Mike Bones.
24-145      h.p.   (smirnowii x sinogrande) X Laramie
24-146      h.p.   (degronianum ssp. yakushimanum x falconeri) X [(catawbiense album x degronianum ssp. yakushimanum) x macabeanum]

   Last four entries goal is big leaf hardy yellow.

Ron Rabideau, New Jersey USA
24-147      o.p.   (Summer Joy1 X Very Berry)2   Goal: shuffle the genes to potentially get some hardy tetraploids with big flowers and big thick leaves.
24-148      h.p.   Jersey Mammoth3 X self   Goal: Hardy, early blooming big-leaved plants.
24-149      h.p.   Jersey Mammoth3 X faithiae   Goal: Large, textured leaves, mid-summer bloom, colorful new growth, reasonably hardy.

   1 Summer Joy is a tetraploid R. maximum from August Kehr. Name not registered.
   2 Temporary name for this cross is ‘Ron’s #1″. Probably selfed, if not, sibbed. (only two plants blooming)
   3 Jersey Mammoth = brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedii x macabeanum

Ray Clack, Oregon USA
24-150      o.p.   calendulaceum
24-151      o.p.   Clear Creek
24-152      com.   Eccremocarpus scaber   Note: Chilean Glory Vine   See

Ron Rabideau, New Jersey, USA
24-153      cw.  brachycarpum ssp. fauriei. Note:  From far eastern Russia


Addison, Betty Ann, Minnesota USA 001-006
Bruso, Joe, Massachusetts USA 030-031
Clack, Ray, Oregon USA 150-153
Cyba, Tomasz, Poland 072-075
Edwards, Rick, Missouri USA 083-092
Flavell, Richard, Connecticut USA 142-146
Gilmore, Lloyd, British Columbia Canada 124-129
Looye, Jack, Nova Scotia, Canada 048-065
McCullough, Mike, California USA 036-042
Moser, Erhard, Germany 076-082
Norris, Peter, Massachusetts USA 007-017
Oliver, Mike, Oregon USA 093-096
Rabideau, Ron, New Jersey, USA 153-153
Reekie, Ed, Ontario Canada 130-135
RSBG, Washington USA 097-123
Saarinen, Jaakko, Arboretum Mustila, Finland 043-047
Sarrilahti, Hannu, Finland 066-071
Rabideau, Ron, New Jersey, USA 147-149
Theqvist, Kristian, Finland 018-028
Thompson, Jeff, Massachusetts USA 141-141
Thurber, Frederick, Massachusetts, USA 029-029
Weagle, John, Nova Scotia Canada 032-035
Zimmerman, Bob, Washington USA 136-140

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